Permanent (2017)

Permanent (2017)

Director: Colette Burson
Writer: Colette Burson
Stars: Patricia Arquette, Rainn Wilson, Kira McLean
Releasing Date: 15 December 2017 (USA)
Running Time: 1h 33 min
Genres: Comedy

Plot: Set in 1982 in small town Virginia, ‘Permanent’ centers around 13-year-old Aurelie Dickson (Kira McLean) and her parents, Jeanne and Jim (Patricia Arquette and Rainn Wilson). In this hilariously awkward and unique telling full of wit and wisdom of a hairstyle gone wrong, the Dicksons are struggling through major life changes together all the while trying desperately to emerge intact on the other side. For the Dicksons family, just getting through the day is a win.
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‘Permanent (2017)’ Movie Trailer