Watch Machete Kills movie ?

Machete Kills (2013) on IMDb

Genres:   Action | Crime | Thriller
Releasing Date: 11 October 2013 (USA)
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Writers: Kyle Ward (screenplay), Robert Rodriguez
Stars: Danny Trejo, Alexa Vega, Mel Gibson
Language: English

Watch Machete Kills movie this was first just Machete was originally designed as a trailer that had created a buzz on the web, made ​​to be slipped between Death Proof and Planet Terror, double show Tarantino and his buddy Rodriguez. It emerged from this tribute a love of all kind of obvious technical prowess, a good mood that took hold of a diverse cast.

Unfortunately, habitual offender, Robert Rodriguez delivers a sequel that comes once more as a seductive concept, with cameo roles or second amazing, Amber Heard, Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas and even Mel Gibson bad ham.

Machete Kills , opens onto a trailer announcing the further adventures of the incorruptible Mexican in space, which will follow its open end . Sheer madness immediately is the desire to debunk the structure of the film, this course allows viewers to humorous distances on the politically incorrect content of the show, kindly gore and sexually charged, which will follow .



The plot is well known, since it takes certain tenderness with all the above defects Series B 70s. The pleasure of meeting Danny Trejo, former cop invincible to expeditious methods, now led by an unquenchable thirst for revenge, it is mainly to see a broken mouth irresistible lady-killer play a gruff face play indomitable brute we would like to make a clone army, since Machete breeze those who have the misfortune to cross his path without ever being in danger. Machete is not there to laugh and proclaims to the third person and that, it makes us laugh. The second degree past master, entertainment dons wacky appearances.


Time, we can find it fun, for nearly two hours, the plot can to the Austin Powers is slowing . It looks at his watch after 55 minutes and then begins the long countdown to the time of discharge. Inevitably, this will impair the capital of sympathy one may have for this unpretentious entertainment, which we use to power abuse and eventually collapse before the final launch.


It is a shame that once again Rodriguez falls into its through and unable to realize the great film that his hardcore fans are still waiting. It has the potential of a large, but is still very much in the shadow of a cannibal Tarantino has long since passed the handicap of a kleenex movie repository that does not seek to exceed its operating model altogether trivial.

Then a Machete 3, why not, but cut half an hour and knives to help get the pill safe pastiche.