A Bad Moms Christmas (2017)

A Bad Moms Christmas

Director: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore
Writer: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore
Stars: Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Justin Hartley
Releasing Date: 01 November 2017 (USA)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy

Plot: A Bad Moms Christmas 2017 a comedy movie by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. Amy, Carla and Kiki will do their best to keep up the composure when their respective mothers and grandmothers of their children pay them a visit during the Christmas holidays. In other words, everything becomes heavier with the arrival of Christmas. And if preparing a perfect holiday for your family is not enough, girls will have to also find ways to entertain their own mothers, which will make them discover a closer relationship between them.
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‘A Bad Moms Christmas 2017’ Trailer