Aquaman 2018

Aquaman (2018)

Director: James Wan
Writer: David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, Will Beall
Stars: Amber Heard, Jason Momoa, Nicole Kidman
Releasing Date: 21 December 2018 (USA)
Genres: Action , Adventure , Fantasy

Plot:Aquaman 2018 is coming American movie based on DC Comic Character. This movie directed by James Wanand was written by Geoff Johns. It’s a live-action theatrical movie. The story about a person having special power because of his father from land and mother from the sea. That is Arthur Curry and also the King of the seven seas. He must step further to fight with his brother and to protect their people and the kingdom of Atlantis against the surface world. Aquaman going to be released on 21 December 2018. It’s a trailer to be a magnet for the audience. Actually, movie stars Amber Heard, Jason Momoa, Nicole Kidman presented their role very gracefully. With the trailer, it will be a blast on theater when it released.
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Aquaman 2018