Watch The Love Witch 2016 movie?

The Love Witch

Director: Anna Biller
Writer: Anna Biller
Stars: Samantha Robinson, Jeffrey Vincent Parise, Laura Waddell
Genres: Comedy, Horror

PLOT: Elaine is a young beautiful witch who has decided to look for a man who loves her . In his story apartment he makes potions and spells for men to come to her and remain seduced to an insane limit. Despite its charms take effect, they soon becomes murder. Elaine leaves an increasingly large behind trail, so when he finally finds the man of her dreams without resorting to spells, she becomes obsessed to the point of wanting to kill him.

The Love Witch

‘The Love Witch’ is a comedy movie to explores the impact of pathological selfishness and female fantasy. Click here for watch more horror movies reviews and also give yours.