Watch Big Game 2014 Movie ?

Big game movie review

Director: Jalmari Helander

Running Time: 1 hour 50 minutes

Writers: Jalmari Helander

Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Onni Tommila, Ray Stevenson

Imdb Rating: 5.7

Releasing Date: 26 June 2015 (USA)

GenresAction, Adventure

Plot: The aircraft of President of America is shot down by terrorists over the mountains of Finland . The President has used the escape capsule of the aircraft which is now being dog like chased by terrorists in the forest. The only hope or light for president is a minor hunter lying randomly in the area.

There is very little action in the movie. There are one or  two scenes that go to do something more spectacular but I think are not enough. In the longer duration of the film in the form of ill-formed television adventure , with some beautiful shots of inline Finnish mountains. Otherwise, nothing special has to say. The general feeling I left at the end was that I watched a little more violent childhood adventure. Maybe if clearly aimed at the younger audience Helander, have more chances .



The action scenes with the ice box as an escape vehicle at the Helicopter carrying rope and in rapids are okay, at least semi-bizarre. They level of action in this movie is little more than to be believed. while the role of boy and villain are superbly done.