Watch Like Father, Like Son 2014 Movie ?

Like Father, Like Son (2013) on IMDb

Director: Hirokazu Koreeda

Writer: Hirokazu Koreeda

Stars: Masaharu Fukuyama, Machiko Ono, Yôko Maki

Genres: Drama

Releasing Date: 17 January 2014

Plot: Parents of small Keita are summoned by the hospital where the child was born six years earlier. They learn with stunning that their son is not their son, who was switched at birth with another baby. In 100% of cases, children are returned to their genetic parents. On the advice of the hospital, so they decided to meet the other family to see. Now Read Opening weeks reviews and check it is good to watch or not.

For ten years, Kore-Eda hollow place in the wake of the Asian filmmakers who have, delivering at a rate of more supported films with great sensitivity on Children (the overwhelming “Nobody Knows” and the exciting “I Wish” ) and wider family ( “Still Walking” , probably his best film to date). Jury Prize at Cannes in 2013, “Like father, like son” fits naturally in the same vein, focusing on the question of parentage, whether blood or heart. ‘s announcement the exchange of babies placed early in the film, leaving a moment think that comedy will settle. The meeting of two families, one wealthy and the other rather bohemian, also carries with it the seeds of a contrast based on the humor, and that will crystallize the two respective fathers. That said, the dramatic dimension of the “problem” quickly regained not. If the swapping of children who had time to bond with their parents, and vice versa, may seem implausible to Westerners that we are, the film recalls the most commonly accepted in Japanese culture.

Therefore, the tightness experienced by actors and that it is easy to identify unsustainable appear to us, taking us into a whirlwind of emotions and inner questions. Whether the guilt of the mother, who is accused of having seen anything, the undermining of the family unit, which is relegated to the error row a chapter of their history, or even felt the children themselves, who are led to believe a game story to delay the inevitable abandonment, there is no indifferent, inevitably affects us all. Fortunately, and this is where his genius , Kore-Eda tells this terrible story carefully avoiding the pitfalls of melodrama and sentimentality, distilling his art of family chronicle that sounds right, the bittersweet comedy and reply that hits. It combines the parallel narratives skillfully combining the main frame of multiple reflections on fatherhood and, more importantly, what makes the family promiscuity and lived together more than blood ties. Then of course, the common place is not far, and you can blame Kore-Eda to shine by the shape and direction of actors, exceptional background unoriginal, wide scope. But his talent narrator sweeps everything, passing the incredible challenge to erase all boundaries between the screen and the viewer. The result is a very special atmosphere, a disturbing intimacy that grabs us continuously. A success! Watch online free movies without buy any CD or without go any theaters.