Watch Saving Mr. Banks 2013 Movie ?

Saving Mr. Banks (2013) on IMDb

Genres: Biography, Comedy and Drama

Releasing Date:  20 December 2013 (USA)

Director: John Lee Hancock

Writers: Kelly Marcel and Sue Smith

Stars:  Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks and Colin Farrell

Language: English

I must admit that Mary Poppins is one of my favorite Disney movies (I have them, and there are several). However, as more or less all my neighbors from the ’60s, was part of my childhood, many of their songs are in my particular emotional soundtrack, and, want not, I have learned to see with other eyes as I’ve been doing adult. I say this because it is important to understand thatMr. Banks Meet (Saving Mr.Banks) can not be fully appreciated if you have not seen Mary Poppins (which may seem strange today, but there is everything in this world) are so many references, direct or not, gathering the ribbon John Lee Hancock, a good third of it is lost if you do not know what we are talking about. I recommend, therefore, have a pre-movie starring Julie Andrews and Dick van Dyke before going to see Emma Thompson and starring Tom Hanks look.

Unlike what has been mentioned, Meet Mr. Banks does not focus on the set of Mary Poppins(review) , but in some previous events, and much more intractable: the negotiations that Walt Disney (Tom Hanks) in person I had to perform with the author of the original novel, PL Travers (Emma Thompson), so that it will cede the rights to his creation. For over twenty years, Travers categorically refused to anyone that she was not put his hands on his book, when he finally agreed to travel to Los Angeles to negotiate, essentially driven by the need for money, his reticence and his difficult character became the trading on a living hell for everyone who had to deal with it: the writer, Don DaGradi (Bradley Whitford), composers, Robert (BJ Novak) and Richard Sherman (Jason Schwartzman), and even Disney himself suffered the wrath of author, well documented in the nearly forty hours of recordings that served as inspiration for writers and Sue Kelly Marcel Smith. The ordeal of Disney and his alternates with childhood memories of Travers in Australia early this century, when it was called Helen Goff and lived with a troubled mother (Ruth Wilson, the Alice of Luther ) and a drunkard father and failed but affectionate (Colin Farrell) who, in time, serve as inspiration for the author to create Mr.Banks, the father of the protagonist family of Mary Poppins .

Make no mistake, Meet Mr. Banks is primarily a crowdpleaser like a cathedral. But even that had to be bad. Quite the contrary. It is virtually impossible to get out of seeing her without wearing a smile from ear to ear, no humming again and again the songs of the Sherman (especially “Let’s go fly a kite” , perhaps the most important of all a plot level). .. without an overwhelming desire to return to see Mary Poppins . Because this is a Disney story as Disney himself liked them to be: emotional, funny, and not predictable, less enjoyable. All actors have deep emotional moments, either with words, gestures (Emma Thompson reactions / Travers for the first time while watching Mary Poppins are just wonderful) or whole shares. And, they are all great. Emma Thompson I hugging her more british meat making every one of the topics that we all know about the English stretched, only to demolish them after facts and let us in tears. Tom Hanks, who a priori not seem too wise choice to play Walt Disney (at least to this writer) is just perfect, I can not think, after seeing it, no one better to embody the human side and Father friendly Mickey Mouse (the other side, as you can imagine, not a word). The side are all wonderful, starting with Paul Giamatti, who plays the chauffeur whose conversations with Travers and Emma Thompson are a blast, and following all the actors playing the Disney staff, who provide some of the funniest moments of a film that is full of them. I do not want to let me in the ink Colin Farrell, an actor who, to put it finely, has never been too much to my liking. And yet, here it is not that good, is that it is fantastic, his scenes are among the best in the film, and adore his character from the very minute that appears. Without a precedent my defense, Farrell show here that, when you want, is a real actorazo.

We all know how the story ends, of course. And, basically, we can come to feel a twinge of sadness knowing that the titanic struggle Travers preserve the spirit of “your” Mary Poppins will not come to fruition, although we offer coated with a little (lot) sugar. But despite its melancholy tone, Meet Mr. Banks is an eminently cheerful film that celebrates the wonderful world of Disney dreams created and in which we have lived even a little, that speaks of the healing power of creativity to heal emotional wounds, and that in the end, it is an emotive and endearing to the hearts of children of each trip. And that, as much to be criticized, it remains one of the most wonderful things that Hollywood can offer. Not everything is going to be arthouse demons.