Director: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez
Stars: Jessica Alba, Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Christopher Meloni
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
Writer: Frank Miller
Running Time: 1 Hour 42 Minutes.
Releasing Date: 22 August 2014 (USA)
Plot: The Sin City is back and brings with A Dame To Kill For new vignettes from the lives of their dangerous residents who usually share a linchpin mentioned in the title ladies.
As usual, the plot lines alternate and overlap. Among other things, Dwight McCarthy back into a dangerous love affair with his ex-girlfriend Ava drawn, and needs Marv’s help to kill her husband. Johnny is the illegitimate son of Senator Roark and wants to humiliate them. Also, the stripper Nancy, which still could not overcome the death of her protector Detective Hartigan, still has a bone to pick with the Senator.
A little more complex than presented here, the action is probably yes, but not a lot. The jumps from character to character are helpful to divide up his pace for the film, but there are some long-winded moments in the last third. Since the stories thematically not far apart they are blurred somewhat, so the ends of the narratives often seem a little like repetition. To show a fairly terminating sequence and then continue with something else has just as his problems – see The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King s.