Watch The Sword Identity movie ?

The Sword Identity (2011) on IMDb

Genres:    Action

Releasing Date:  17 August 2012 (USA)

Director: Haofeng Xu

Writers:  Haofeng Xu

Stars:  Cheng-Hui Yu, Yang Song, Yuanyuan Zhao

Language: English

Watch The Sword Identity movie ” is thus not become action-packed fireworks , but rather a quiet drama, with even already theater -like features, which tells hypnotic, captivating and headstrong, the story of the pride of a few warriors . This is about tradition, honor, intrigue and a historical process, which was a turning point in Chinese history. And despite some lengths, Director Xu Haofeng this is absolutely right with his unusual style.


A major weakness, however, is that “The Sword Identity ” requires some prior knowledge, so that the big picture can be seen. For the Sino- Japanese conflict during the Ming Dynasty is indicative of the movie and repeatedly sprinkling smaller details in the background that otherwise remaining undetected. Despite this shortcoming, however, the story of Xu Haofengs work is always complex, interesting and rich use, so that continuous voltage is guaranteed.



While it would have at one point or another a little more zet requires so fail lengths, but especially by the excellent camera work are even presented hypnotic images that always captivate. Some minor skirmishes and some appropriate humor eventually add up to a stylish finish which includes a successful imagery. Most likely does this compare with an old Chinese play that relies on limited Spartan scenes? For every setting is maxed out to the limit and is usually staged match in terms of looks.


In the field of action, meanwhile, is “The Sword Identity “rather quiet and serene. The many battles are a minor matter that should rather emphasize the zest of the figures. When it comes here to fight, then one of these is usually after a few blows already over. Quickly, surprising and quite resourceful, that is: in timing, perfection, technology and experience, which is also always discussed between the Masters.