Watch Warm Bodies movie ?

Warm Bodies (2013) on IMDb

Genres:  Comedy | Horror | Romance

Releasing Date: 1 February 2013 (USA)

Director:   Jonathan Levine

Writers:  Jonathan Levine

Stars:   Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich

Language: English

Watch Warm Bodies movie, a thriller, horroe, comedy and romantic film. The story begins with zombie,  8 years after infection, zombie realizes that by eating the brains of its victims, it also ingests their memories and feelings. Crossing the road to the daughter of human leaders, which he devoured the boyfriend, he decides to protect.

If you are intrigued by the few moments premise of this luxury nanar must quickly say that the initial humor rather pleasing will subsequently distilled to a trickle. Adopting for both the point of view of the undead was nevertheless promising. But soon no exposed points in voiceover by the “hero” seems to hold . Zombies so slow and limping start running and show an unexpected address.


Bogging in a dork and easy romance ” Warm Bodies “ is not interested in his subject, the nature of humans, who ” feels ” and prefers to impress with its unusual décor and city surrounded by a huge wall. The climax is reached when even humor ends up falling flat, as in the scene of the zombie makeup to make it go unnoticed.


The song “Pretty Woman” then invades our ears, in a nod to the film of the same repository name and the transformation of a Julia Roberts prostitute woman in the world. But soon interrupted by a face of the beautiful, it is replaced by a newer and less music connoted by the friend came to help. Good idea and emphasize the heaviness of the reference makes the final even more burdensome.