Watch Rebel in the Rye (2017)

Rebel in the Rye

Director: Danny Strong
Writers: Danny Strong, Kenneth Slawenski
Stars: Zoey Deutch, Nicholas Hoult, Kevin Spacey
Releasing Date: 15 September 2017 (USA)
Running Time: 1h 46 min
Genres: Biography, Drama

Plot: ‘Rebel in the Rye’ 2017 is abiography movie directed by Danny Strong. The movie story told about the youngest of two brothers, he was a rebellious teenager and saw first hand the horrors of World War II, which left him marked forever. In addition, when it wanted to dedicate itself to writing was found without supports, except for its professor Whit Burnett (Kevin Spacey). An interesting life in which he had to face great loves and terrible losses.
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‘Rebel in the Rye’ Movie Trailer