Watch White down house movie ?

White House Down (2013) on IMDb

Genres:    Action | Drama | Thriller

Releasing Date: 28 June 2013 (USA)

Director: Roland Emmerich

Writers: James Vanderbilt

Stars: Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal

Language: English

While the U.S. president has just initiated negotiations for a peace treaty with huge throughout the Middle East, mercenaries seized the White House. The only chance of survival for the politician lie in the hands of John Cale, a former soldier converted to the bodyguard, came to visit the building with her daughter.


The director tried to alternate between big action scenes and intimate sequences, the hero seeking above all to protect her daughter, also stuck in the building. Obviously, it is with the finesse of an elephant that the German filmmaker develops this father-daughter relationship, the grotesque pictures before we have paid our little larmichette . Despite these defects, the child will become a driving force for film and occupy a leading role skilfully sets this project apart from the rest of the productions of the genre. Emmerich perfectly mastering the meaning of the big show , and rhythm removed and multiple twists preventing viewers tiring.



But if the wheels are well oiled , however , it lacks a bit of madness to take our total enthusiasm. Our love would have been much greater if the movie had fully assumed his second degree and improbabilities . Indeed, with Jamie Foxx to play the President , it was expected to see the man knock out the terrorist, to strafe anything that moves , but had to settle for a semi Badass President , reeling from war hero and the frightened man . Scriptwriting weaknesses eventually give a wobbly work , the second level is mitigated by the long and Manichean patriotic speeches , quickly annoying . While this gives marshmallow overdose nausea and makes , at times, “White House Down ” on the edge of ridiculous , the experience of the director and actors can give us a guilty pleasure and a moment of pure entertainment. The contract is completed !