Watch Almost Christmas 2016 movie?

Almost Christmas

Director: David E. Talbert
Writer: David E. Talbert
Stars: Gabrielle Union, Jessie T. Usher, Danny Glover
Releasing Date: 11 November 2016 (USA)
Running Time: 1h 52 min
Genres: Comedy, Drama

PLOT: A new family drama ‘Almost Christmas’ movie from the creative minds of the director David E. Talbert. The story is told about a family first Christmas together since the death of the matriarch of the family struggling to keep her family together. The patriarch asks for a gift this Christmas. To keep it all together, and stop killing each other for five days.

Almost Christmas

In sort, After the death of his wife, a family patriarch asks all his relatives a gift for Christmas: that all family members living together for five days under the same roof getting along. It will be a real miracle if they do. Click here for more Comedy Movies reviews and also give yours.