Watch Behind the Candelabra movie ?

Behind the Candelabra (2013) on IMDb

Genres: Biography | Drama | Romance

Releasing Date:   7 June 2013 (Ireland)

Director: Steven Soderbergh

Writers: Billy Bob Thornton

Stars:   Richard LaGravenese (screenplay), Scott Thorson

Language: English


Watch Behind the Candelabra movie to see the creativity of the American director Steven Soderbergh, he takes years announcing their withdrawals from filmmaking and since then we have received several and notable. In last year’s Cannes Film Festival, Soderbergh competing in the official section with a new title, ‘Behind the Candelabra’.

Eccentric, bright and with certain nostalgic, ‘Behind the Candelabra’ tells the life of legendary musician and eccentric American who won between 50 and 70. Liberace and his young lover, Scott Thorson, who years later wrote the novel in which the film is based. The tape could not be sufficient funding for the big screen, despite passing through major festivals such as Cannes and Karlovy Vary. Shame because its eccentricity is worth to be seen on the big screen.


Behind the Candelabra ‘is a biopic, yes, and like all movies based on the biography of someone famous and the world of film music-or failing-can become tiresome and repetitive. I mean sure we dealt with the height of the artist, his greatest hits, dabbling with drugs… and yes, even ‘Behind the Candelabra’ may seem on occasion that you’ve already seen, may be one of the most interesting biopic I’ve seen in recent years is that we do not know the story through the eyes of eccentric Liberace, but through the eyes of her lover.


And that ‘Behind the Candelabra’, and a biopic, is a portrait of an era, the end of the 70s and a way of life. The 70 and the beginning of the obsession with youth, success, fame and above all aesthetic surgery Hollywood society with fear of growing old and losing the light that shone years ago. And all this we Soderbergh presents them in a staging so eccentric and full of glitter and plastic as its main character and the golden age of Hollywood Las Vegas and more tacky.


To give life to the legendary Liberace, Steven Soderbergh decided to have a Michael Douglas is reborn from its ashes in one of his best roles in recent years after overcoming cancer gargante. Divinely eccentric, tan and almost ‘plastic’, Douglas gives life to this character that earned him so much praise at the Cannes Film Festival. Along with Douglas, one boyish Matt Damon is seduced by the charms of wisdom tanned Liberace, leaving corrupt and change mode and likeness of the eccentric musician.A perfect tandem tacky that fits perfectly for this, sometimes ridiculous story about a legendary pianist. A pity that it will not be visible on screen. Soderbergh, how soon is the next?