Watch Blue Jasmine movie ?

Blue Jasmine (2013) on IMDb
Genres: Comedy | Drama

Releasing Date:  23 August 2013 (USA)

Director: Woody Allen

Writers: Woody Allen

Stars:   Cate Blanchett, Peter Sarsgaard, Alec Baldwin

Language: English

Watch Blue Jasmine movie it is a comedy and drama movie. The story begins with a beautiful girl. Jasmine Francis (Cate Blanchett) also walking on a thin rope after her husband Hal (Alec Baldwin), who was successful businessman, is exposed as a common fraudster. She is financially and emotionally to the ground making they feel compelled to leave New York behind and her sister Ginger (Sally Hawkins) to live in San Francisco.


The Woody Allen takes little time to show what kind of person Jasmine is us. In the plane on the way to San Francisco she talks on and on to the woman who was so unlucky to get. Chair beside her on the one hand they still romanticize the time she was with Hal during these monologues. On the other hand it shows also aware of the shameful situation in which action has resulted.


She has nota bene bought a first class ticket, while she is bankrupt. Ginger cannot get over it, but Jasmine pushes it aside, as they put aside all criticism. Her own criticism does not apply for them themselves. Ginger has under her bad taste in men and get her life in order because they do not treat yourself. The idea that she has not done much more than themselves at a young age to marry, the right man does not seem to come.


In it’s In addition, she and Hal are largely responsible for that Ginger is in its current situation, because after Ginger had with her ex-husband Augier won the lottery, the price disappeared in a dubious investment of Hal. Yes, Jasmine Allen presents us with no easy character for. Movie had very good rating I also like the movie very much. Hope you people also like the film. After watching this you will definitely like the film.