Watch Revenge for Jolly movie ?

Revenge for Jolly! (2012) on IMDb

Genres: Comedy | Drama

Releasing Date:  7 May 2013 (USA)

Director: Chadd Harbold

Writers:  Brian Petsos (screenplay)

Stars:  Brian Petsos, Kristen Wiig, Elijah Wood

Language: English

Watch Revenge for Jolly movie“, movie provides entertaining, fun entertainment for the shallow movie night. A new contribution to the genre does not make the film, but its casual and bitter way, the viewer has to offer dull satire raises “Revenge for Jolly!” As some of imitative road-movie-killer references from.

Actor Brian Petsos had the idea for “Revenge for Jolly” and is characterized thus responsible for the screenplay. While this involves no new ideas, but it is so cynical and decorated with earthy black humor that any reminiscences fade into the background. Superficially, there is a bloody road trip, whose motivation is alone enough reason to smile. Finally, it comes to a dead dog.



But the situations, in which Harry and his cousin Cecil advised (Oscar Isaac), are sometimes so abstruse that they create a unique charm to the film. This is either very angry when they spoil for example an entire wedding party the evening, or incredibly funny how among others at the scene at the law firm (great: Adam Brody) is to memorize quickly.


In addition, two main characters that is so peculiar that they will get even sympathetic. Harry (Pesos) are , probably overwhelmed by grief, taciturn and unpredictable, while Cecil ( Isaac ) marks the seemingly rational , but his friend at all bystanders and therefore no less trigger-happy mob ends .


The effect is amplified by passing through the film to beer consumption. Even this, if ever, the focus is put on enough beer bottles in stock, it’s quite funny. “Revenge for Jolly!” Consists of only a few places of action and gets lost sometimes in meaningless, lengthy dialogues, but modified precisely by the American self-image over and over again.